No, no, no. I will never accept this as normal

By the grace of God, as long as I have breath, I will never accept as normal a sentence like this: “Back in June, a group of women complained that [Darren Agee] Merager, 53, who identifies as female, allegedly exposed her penis at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles to them.”
No, no, no. I will never accept such semantic nonsense as normal, and neither should you. Not in a million years.
There is no such thing as “her penis.” (We are not talking about a biological anomaly which leaves someone with ambiguous or dual genitalia. We are talking about males vs. females, and Merager is a male.)
And if a woman, in the midst of other naked or partially naked women, “exposed herself,” there would not be an outcry from the other women, especially mothers with their daughters. Who would even notice?
But when a man walks into a women’s spa — simply because he “identifies” as a woman, which is both a travesty and a terrible danger — and then exposes himself, that is when the outcry begins. That outcry must never stop!
Ironically, the Daily Mail began its story on Merager with this very bold, even damning headline: “Transgender ‘pervert’ is arrested 15 months after she ‘exposed herself to women and girls at Wi Spa in LA’ triggering violent protests from Antifa goons who branded allegations a bigoted hoax.”
So, the Mail had no problem referring to Merager as a “pervert,” also describing him as a “sex pest.” And the article notes that Merager was already a registered sex offender and even calls him a “convicted sex criminal.”
The Mail further reports that, “The story was then, for months, swept under the rug by the mainstream media — with many, including the leftist radical group Antifa, defending Merager.”
Yet the Mailwrites, “A transgender person wanted for exposing their naked, half-erect penis to women in two separate changing room incidents in Los Angeles has been arrested after more than 15 months on the run.” And, as quoted above, “Merager, 53, who identifies as female, allegedly exposed her penis at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles ...”
First, using trans-correct terminology, Merager is referenced with a third person plural pronoun (“their”). Then, in an act of journalistic insanity (yet one that is in keeping with official journalism guidelines), Merager is referenced with a female pronoun (“her”). And in both cases, the pronouns were in reference to his private parts.
As for Merager himself, this man obviously needs to find the Lord and get his life right, all while paying the just penalty under the law. (He was also arrested for allegedly exposing himself to women and children in a women’s locker room.)
As for the women and/or girls who were traumatized by his actions, may they get all the help they might still need, and may Merager’s arrest help bring them some sense of closure and relief.
As for Antifa, the fact that the group defended Merager, even violently, tells you everything you need to know. May their eyes be opened to truth and reality, and may they have the courage and the humility to acknowledge the deep error of their ways.
As for the spa (and others involved in justifying this madness), may they no longer endanger their patrons by embracing the latest wave of cultural madness.
As for the rest of us — for you and me and our families and friends and the circles that we influence — may we shout from the rooftops that we will never accept this as normal.
Nor will we accept as normal 13-year-old girls getting full mastectomies simply because they are confused about their gender identity.
Or 10-year-old boys sterilizing themselves for life as they take hormone supplements to stop the onset of puberty while they figure out if they are male or female.
Or incoming college students starting their new classes by reciting their preferred gender pronouns.
Or users getting banned from social media platforms for saying that “Rachel” Levine is a biological male.
Or female athletes getting crushed and humiliated by boys who identify as girls and who are demolishing the hard-earned records of their female peers.
Or boys claiming to be girls so they can have access to the girls’ bathrooms at school, where they proceed to rape and attack them.
No, no, no. I will never accept this as normal, and neither should you.
As to why I’m writing about this subject yet again (I’m sure I’ve written hundreds of related articles in the last 10 years), the answer is simple: As long as these stories come up in the news and in our schools and on our social media streams and in our places of business, I will continue to address them. Otherwise, little by little, we will become used to all this, totally desensitized by the constant repetition. We can never let that happen.
This is cultural madness, plain and simple, and I will not tone down my rhetoric in an effort to appear moderate and balanced.
I truly care for those who struggle with gender identity issues, especially young people. I also know that the vast amount of confusion we’re witnessing today is the result of sociological contagion.
Let us call it out for what it is. And let us not stop speaking up and speaking out until the tide turns and sanity prevails. Do we really have a choice?
Dr. Michael Brown( is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Revival Or We Die: A Great Awakening Is Our Only Hope. Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.