Sorry RFK Jr: We can't make America healthy again by killing our children

Sure, America has a dangerous epidemic of obesity. But that doesn’t merely describe individual Americans’ increasing girth but the heaviness of federal agencies that have taken on the exponentially higher weight of Americans’ tax dollars. When HHS, or the Department of Health and Human Services, began in 1979 its first budget was $226 billion. This year, HHS’ budget is a massive $2.86 trillion, a figure nearly 13 times higher than 44 years ago. A whopping $1.85 trillion of that budget is being spent in FY 2024 awarding organizations like Planned Parenthood, which receives over half a billion dollars in taxpayer monies each year.
Will that forced funding be continued under Trump’s HHS Secretary nominee, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has expressed repeatedly that he’s “for a woman’s right to choose”? He’s flip-flopped on the issue numerous times. He’s asserted that although he believes “abortion is a states’ rights issue” (it’s not) that “women also need to have federal protection up until the point of viability.”
Yet, this is the same politician who proclaimed in an NPR interview: “I believe every abortion is a tragedy.” I would’ve immediately followed up on his statement with the question: “Why is it a tragedy?” Of course, the NPR host didn’t want to know the answer to that. If every abortion is a tragedy (and I, of course, strongly believe it is), then isn’t it tragic that so many women are deliberately misinformed about that act of violence? Abortion is fake health and leaves behind an unconscionable number of casualties: over 65 million since Roe. And much of that disinformation comes from (drum roll, please) the Department of Health and Human Services, especially under Democratic administrations.
HHS’ stated mission is “to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans, by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services.”
All Americans? Really? The same HHS that launched, under the Biden administration, a bogus website that only offers abortion as a right? Apparently, so-called “reproductive rights” don’t include resources, like pregnancy help centers or maternity homes, for pregnant women who choose to allow their unborn children to live.
I will give credit to RFK Jr. for visiting a maternity home in Fulton County, Georgia (where my organization, The Radiance Foundation, began) during his campaign. He was obviously moved by the life-saving and life-affirming work of Auntie Angie’s. If the Senate confirms him, will he take that experience and apply it to the currently anti-life, pro-abortion Department of Health and Human Services?
HHS, depending on the administration, has either embraced or rejected medically-sound approaches to improving our nation’s health. The bloated department oversees 14 divisions including the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA).
One would think that the person in charge of HHS would have some kind of medical background. Sadly, many are activists who disregard sound medical science and rely on political subjectivity instead. The last time there was an actual medical professional serving as HHS Secretary was in 1989 under George H. W. Bush. This was nearly four decades ago! His name was Louis W. Sullivan, and he was a pro-life physician who established and became President of Morehouse College’s School of Medicine before taking on the role at HHS.
The current HHS Secretary is Xavier Becerra. He’s an activist attorney who absurdly tried, as California’s Attorney General, to force the state’s pregnancy centers to promote abortion. It’s like demanding that fitness centers peddle fast food in their gyms. His anti-free speech crusade failed miserably. It seems he forgot that the First Amendment exists, and the lawsuit was slapped down by the Supreme Court in NIFLA vs. Becerra. He was rewarded, however, by President Biden to become HHS Secretary in order to further advance the Democratic party’s radical pro-abortion, pro-transgenderism agenda.
In my humble opinion, you cannot advance America’s health by promoting the violence of abortion and denying the basic science of our binary gender. No. Men cannot get pregnant. They cannot naturally breastfeed or chestfeed. And they will never be women. Ever. It would seem logical that anyone at the helm of our nation’s Department of Health and Human Services, responsible for “health and well-being,” would understand these basic facts of life. GOP, you cannot simply rubber stamp anyone who doesn’t believe in the creed that birthed the Republican Party: Created equal.
RFK Jr. offered this interesting caveat on abortion while speaking to Megyn Kelly: “I’ll change my position always based upon if I was wrong on the facts.” And he had this to say about transgenderism, particularly as it pertains to the medical malfeasance surrounding body-mutilating drugs and surgeries on minors: “I don’t know enough about it to say that it should be completely illegal. I don’t know enough. I need to look at data before I make a decision.”
This is the silver lining. He’s not an automaton who simply regurgitates political talking points. He’s amenable to being illuminated and elevated. I’d highly recommend, then, on these two issues he speaks to the medical professionals who deal with these issues on a daily basis: The American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNs (see and the American College of Pediatricians (see
And maybe, he would entertain meeting with pro-life, pro-family factivists like me who can help provide not only the context but bring clarity to our very humanity. Elective abortion is always a tragedy — a needless one. We can Make Abortion Gone Again by supporting mothers, not exploiting them. This is part of how we Make America Healthy Again. Physically. Emotionally. Psychologically. I’ll never stop fighting for the most defenseless and the most marginalized. Why? Because that was once me.
Ryan Bomberger is the Chief Creative Officer and co-founder of The Radiance Foundation. He is happily married to his best friend, Bethany, who is the Executive Director of Radiance. They are adoptive parents with four awesome kiddos. Ryan is an Emmy Award-winning creative professional, factivist, international public speaker and author of NOT EQUAL: CIVIL RIGHTS GONE WRONG. He loves illuminating that every human life has purpose.