Will Freedom Loving Americans Please Stand Up - the NFL Won't

American Veterans (AMVETS) invested a lot of good money to just make a simple and common sense statement. That being, when your told to stand for America's National Anthem, nothing more and nothing less...just Stand Up. Hands on hearts optional, but at the minimum stand up. It's a sign of respect for not only America but for those who have fought for its honor. Most anthems if not all praise the existence of their respected nations. The United Kingdom anthem is focused on the monarch of their nation (God Save the Queen or King if the monarch happens to be male). For all the trouble we have with Mexico right now, their anthem has a military and war theme. We too have a war theme as well, but the primary focus at least in the first verse (and sang the most) is our "bright stripes and bright stars." It should be noted that the final verse of "The Star Spangled Banner" actual speaks of peace and acknowledges our trust in God.
A simple request for those who served our country to stand for the anthem. That is being overtly political? For a sports organization that allowed a pro-immigration ad in disguise of an Anheuser Busch commercial highlighting the prejudice that Adolphus Busch had to go through was more of a political statement than what AMVETS wants to make. Sadly, most of the NFL owners are die hard progressives (or just appeasing the politically correct crowd) who have become sympathetic to the protest movement that Colin Rand Kaepernick started. Even though he was the martyr in the cause, many other players of color carried on his cause and now kneel in protest of defending Black Lives or whatever related social (or as I like to call it Socialist) justice cause.
The NFL is basically revealing itself to its core audience. That core audience loves its country, its veterans and many of them for better or for worse supported Donald Trump for President. They really could not less about the culture (with exceptions) of New England and New York City or Southern California. Other than our vets, they care about the common man, and they care about him (and her) being able to have life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The NFL elite is more interested in appeasing the elites of the coasts. Even if NFL gives in to the Socialist Justice Warriors to stop these kneeling protests during our National Anthem, the kneeling protests may not stop. Appeasing socialists is never enough because they are never satisfied and it does not really remedy the problem. It will become another get rich scam with the progressives' approval claiming its for the "greater good."
How much will it take for the NFL to get the memo? At least make the players stand at a minimum and show respect for those who love our country...especially our Vets. It shows however that the NFL billionaires are more interested in the progressives' goal of the fundamental transforming of our nation into a socialist mess.
After all, "everybody's doing it." In this case most other nations on the planet. Makes me want to say; "Amen, Come Lord Jesus." Till then, the fight for liberty and freedom and preaching the Gospel must go on.