Alex McFarland
Op-ed contributor
The woman who is responsible for Thanksgiving
While most Americans probably have no idea who she was, Sarah Josepha Hale (1788-1879) can be seen as the mother of our modern Thanksgiving celebration.
Why calls for Israel to cease fire are devaluing human life
The war in Israel is only the latest example of the cheapening of human life.
God loves Palestinians just as much as He loves people of every ethnicity and nation
We must remember that God loves the Palestinians just as much as He loves other ethnic and national groups of people.
Why does the Bible contain prophecy?
Ironically, I was in the studio filming a video about the Jews and end-time prophecies on the day before the Hamas war against Israel began. We are living, I believe, very near the time of Jesus’ return!
Why are city officials squashing Christian ministries?
Companies, localities, schools, and entire Christian denominations are being bullied into joining the incremental erasure of our constitutionally protected liberties. It must stop now.
A false choice: God or country
May the Lord empower us to also make a tangible mark for Christ in our world today — in our culture and government as well.
Abortion and the inconvenient truth
Whether pro-life or pro-abortion, any rational person would ask, “Shouldn’t we question anything that kills 63 million people?”
The real reason why people like 'Jesus Revolution'
And even Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer” contained a lyrical reference instantly and internationally understandable to radio listeners of 1971: “Jesus freaks, out in the streets, handing tickets out for God …”
How being a car salesman taught me about America's troubles
If truth and life are not restored as the absolute foundations the civic contracts that we live amidst as citizens, then America will descend further into the lawlessness that is daily spreading.
The fight between truth and modern-day values
Today, nebulous personal “values” are not the life preserver that can rescue a drowning America. People urgently need to hear truth.