Watch Phil Robertson's Preacher Son Alan Joke About A&E's 'Duck Dynasty' Controversy in Church

Alan Robertson, preacher and oldest son of "Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson, quipped that things were "kinda slow" for his family after Phil Robertson got suspended from the hit show indefinitely last Wednesday.
A TMZ video shows Alan and Mike Kellet, senior pastor of White's Ferry Road Church of Christ in West Monroe, La., sharing with the congregation on Sunday how eventful the week was after Phil Robertson became a national conversation and trending Twitter subject for calling homosexuality a sin during a candid interview with GQ.
"Good morning church. What a blessing it is to be here today. And I want to wish you a merry Christmas. Hope your week went well. Ours was kinda slow," said Alan in the video. "Did a little Christmas shopping, ignited a national controversy and here we are today," he said as the congregation erupted in laughter.
He then handed the microphone to Pastor Kellet who explained that he was thankful to God for the overwhelming level of support the family and the church has received during the controversy and hoped the spark ignited among Christians through it would inspire a spiritual revival in America.
"Well, all I know is that I'm ready to get a new phone number and I'm not even famous," said Kellet.
"It is a great blessing just even as the church family and of course the support for the Robertson family, when you get this hundreds upon hundreds, day in and day out, hour after hour, of people from all over the country as well as the world, even just through our church family saying 'you know we support you, we love you guys, we're praying for all of you' all those kinds of things, what a great encouragement," he continued.
"It just enlarges your view of brotherhood and people who really want to see a great, great revival take place in our nation and that only takes place by talking about the good news of Jesus," he added.