Carl R. Trueman

Carl R. Trueman

Voices Contributor


  • A rift in the rainbow alliance

    A rift in the rainbow alliance

    Alliances forged to defeat a common foe do not provide a solid basis for a positive vision. Rather, they end either in sell-outs or civil war. There is a lesson there for traditional social conservatives.

  • The cancellation of Dr. Nassif

    The cancellation of Dr. Nassif

    Whatever the claims it makes about its much-trumpeted commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, in reality progressive rhetoric operates to demonize people like Dr. Nassif and delegitimize his beliefs without actually having to address their substance.

  • The myth of the modern self

    The myth of the modern self

    We are furious that our bodies place limits upon us, pointing out that we have natural obligations to others and cannot be whatever and whoever we wish. It is why anyone who argues this — and any court decision that moves society toward acknowledging this fact — is greeted with irrational fury and vindictiveness.

  • Christians should rejoice over Dobbs

    Christians should rejoice over Dobbs

    Nobody regards the fall of Hitler as a morally ambiguous thing, even though it was only made possible by the Americans and the British striking a deal with Joseph Stalin. Yes, Trump is obnoxious, but he isn’t Stalin, and he did deliver on the abortion issue. Dobbs is a moment for joy.

  • Tom Hanks gets empathy wrong

    Tom Hanks gets empathy wrong

    Hanks clearly feels for the suffering of gay men with AIDS and does not want to trivialize or exploit that suffering in any way. And he feels this because he, like them, is a human being and thus empathetic to their plight. Yet in declaring that it is inappropriate for a straight actor to play a gay man on screen, he negates the importance of the shared humanity that makes him empathetic in the first place.

  • Queer nation is no nation at all

    Queer nation is no nation at all

    By flying the Pride flag at U.S. embassies, the Biden administration indicates that it thinks that it can. The 50+ variations would seem to suggest the opposite. Queer nation will ultimately prove to be no nation at all.

  • Is God a therapist?

    Is God a therapist?

    This is no childish God but a mysterious and terrifying one, and our worship should reflect that fact. As the Church’s leaders must learn great theology, so must they lead the people into the same via the prayers, the hymns and the proclamation of God in word and sacrament.

  • Why pro-abortion activists desecrate churches

    Why pro-abortion activists desecrate churches

    The church service is not simply a convenient place to intimidate pro-life campaigners. To attack a worship service is not simply to annoy the participants. It is to profane the sacred. It is to enact that which abortion itself represents.

  • Rowan Williams and our sentimental age

    Rowan Williams and our sentimental age

    In the face of the trans moment, Williams seems to have abandoned serious thought for sentiment. Learned he may be, but the letter to Boris Johnson reads as little more than the death notice of a once great mind.

  • What a tangled web

    What a tangled web

    We have no shared moral vision and hence we default to the experts — the biologists and the medical professionals — abdicating our responsibility to their technical expertise. Yet this approach does not give us an adequate view of reality.