Jeff Schapiro
Christian Post Reporter
Sam's Club Removes Lego Bible From Shelves Over 'Mature Content'
Sam's Club stores are no longer selling The Brick Bible: A New Spin on The Old Testament, which tells Bible stories through 1,400 images of toy Lego pieces, after “numerous concerns” were received about some of the book's content.
1 Million Light Bulbs in Bible Based Christmas Display
If putting up a few Christmas lights, with their broken bulbs and blown fuses, can be difficult, imagine the problems one might encounter putting up one million of them. At the Niederman Family Farm – where about 1 million Christmas bulbs light up a Bible-based Christmas display – that's exactly the kind of trouble they have to deal with each year.
'Charlie Christ: The Gospel According to Fools' Pokes Fun at the Christian Faith
“Charlie Christ: The Gospel According to Fools” is an independent film in the making that takes a satirical look at religion and attempts to show Christianity in a humorous, albeit controversial, light.
Beyond the Turkey: Having a God-Centered Thanksgiving (Part 3)
The Thanksgiving holiday isn't just an opportunity for Christians to give thanks for their friends, family and possessions, but it is also an opportunity for them to give God due credit for blessing them with all they have.
Who Is the Most Influential Christian Leader in the US?
Who is the most influential Christian leader in the United States? The results of a new study show that no individual overwhelmingly stands out, and Americans are divided over the answer. While 41 percent of American adults were unable to identify the most influential Christian, the most mentioned individual was evangelist Billy Graham.
ACLJ: Veterans Cross Should Stay
The American Center for Law and Justice is speaking out in support of a veterans memorial cross by urging officials at Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base in California to allow it to continue standing on the military base's land.
'Jesus Christ' Banned From Text Messages in Pakistan
The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority is taking some major criticism after sending a letter to mobile phone companies saying they should block text messages containing certain words and phrases, and among those phrases are “Jesus Christ” and “got Jesus.”
Calif. Church Parking Lot Transforms Into Skate Park to Reach Youths
Each week, The Sanctuary Church in Westminster, Calif., sets up a skate park in the church parking lot and invites local teenagers to come, skate and learn about Jesus. The ministry might seem out of the ordinary to some, until they realize two of the church's pastors are former professional skateboarders.
Military Atheist Group Objects to Cross at Camp Pendleton
Several Marines memorialized the lives of four of their fallen comrades last week by erecting a 13-foot cross on top of a hill at a California military base on Veteran's Day. This week, a national organization representing atheists in the military is speaking out, arguing that some veterans are “using their service to try to defend Christian privileges” and religious symbols don't belong on government-owned land.
Jerry Sandusky: Is He a Christian?
At the center of the scandal at Penn State University is the football team's former defensive coordinator, who is facing 40 criminal charges in connection to the alleged sexual abuse of underage boys. But lesser known is the fact that Sandusky is also a regular churchgoer, and even has a Bible verse posted on his home's garage door. So, is Jerry Sandusky a Christian, or not?