Jerry Newcombe
America turning into secular wasteland
Thanks to a misreading of the Constitution, America is becoming more and more of a secular wasteland.
Another Memorial Day: Is America still worth fighting for?
With another Memorial Day upon us, we may consider the question: Is America still worth fighting for?
King Charles' coronation points us to something greater
Those who put together the substance of these various services demonstrate a greater understanding of the need to humbly serve the Lord God, in whatever station of life He has placed us, with whatever tasks He has set before us.
75 years later, Israel still stands strong
Despite Israel’s astonishing achievement as a global high-tech leader, despite their success as the Middle East’s one-and-only democracy, we find today that many young Americans are not supportive of Israel.
Let's talk about basic fairness in women’s sports
The longer society goes down this path, the longer we abandon our moral sanity, the worse off we are.
Can you take God out of oaths and have meaning?
When we die, it is God who will hold us all to account, not Carl Sagan. Our tradition of oath-taking was predicated on belief in God.
No prophecy that America will last forever
Nowhere is it prophesied that America will last forever.
The morning that changed the world
Is there any good news anywhere? Yes. It is not new news, but it’s a message that can never be proclaimed too often.
Does truth matter?
Truth is all that matters. Jesus is the Truth.
Walking miracle: Man falls 400 feet in Hawaii, survives and now at MIT
Danny slipped and fell head first 300 feet and later another 100 feet. He suffered traumatic brain injuries (skull fractures, torn scalp), a shattered ankle, smashed organs, extensive lacerations, and being comatose. A spiritual awakening impacted his recovery.