Joseph Mattera
Op-ed Contributor
10 signs of the lack of a biblical worldview
Throughout the years, I have discovered that the average Christian and a large number of church ministers lack a biblical worldview.
15 ways the cross inverted wordly kingdoms
What made the cross so scandalous in the Roman empire, which also comports to contemporary culture?
6 reasons why the Church should embrace the cross of Christ
The cross of Christ stands as a timeless and powerful symbol of redemption, sacrifice and transformative power.
10 Pain points for pastors: Understanding their struggles
We will delve into the primary pain points experienced by pastors, shedding light on their struggles with the abuse inflicted upon them and emphasizing the need for support and understanding.
9 ways God draws people to salvation
Acknowledging the diverse ways God draws people enables believers to be more insightful and effective in their prayers and Gospel-sharing efforts.
4 dualistic teachings that undermine the effect of the Gospel
The Gospel is often truncated by some believers and others as only addressing spiritual matters; this creates a dualism in which the natural or material world is viewed as insignificant.
Does the US still need biblical standards for political leadership?
Let us identify and vote for righteous individuals emerging in our political landscape.
7 challenges of generational Christianity
It is crucial to recognize these potential obstacles in generational Christianity and foster honest, transparent dialogues with our children.
The issue I have with mass exorcisms
I have some concerns about the concept of mass deliverances. Let me clarify my beliefs on this topic.
7 signs of emotionally emasculated men
Emotionally emasculated men deviate from their inherent male role or identity, rendering themselves ineffective or weaker due to insecurity or being dominated by a boss, peer pressure, or their spouse.