Mark Creech
Op-ed Contributor
Revelation 22: Eternal recompense
It’s impossible to know exactly when the Lord Jesus will come again, but we can know with complete certainty that he will return.
Revelation 22: The antidote to deconstruction of faith
The theme of Revelation chapter 22 verses 8 through 11 provides the antidote to a complete deconstruction of faith.
Revelation 22: The urgency of now, exposing Satan’s cunning strategy
There is this timeless tale, a fictitious story of strategy and urgency, set within the confines of Satan’s boardroom.
Revelation 22: Finding comfort in Heaven’s promise
Just as the survivor of the Oklahoma Bombing found tremendous solace in the faithful return of her rescuer, so we too may find the greatest comfort in the promises of Christ’s Second Coming.
Revelation 21: A narrative of 2 cities, exploring the heavenly city
To which city is your citizenship, Babylon or the New Jerusalem?
Revelation 21: Millennial Kingdom — new Heaven, a new Earth and a New Jerusalem
A day will come when Christ returns and concludes his earthly Millennial Kingdom and the Lord Himself will initiate an unparalleled program of renewal and revitalization.
Revelation 21: New Heaven and new Earth
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared."
Revelation 20: Saddest moment in human history hasn't happened yet
The saddest moment in human history hasn’t happened yet. There’s still time to make matters right with God. Don’t delay.
Revelation 20: The golden era and a final test
How blessed is the Millennial Age? What are the characteristics of this time in human history?
Revelation 20: Resurrected and ruling with Christ
God’s children, those born again by the Spirit, have not just been given a one-way ticket to Glory, but have been given a two-way ticket, and are coming back with Christ in power and great glory to the earth.