Wallace B. Henley
Exclusive Columnist
Wallace Henley is a former pastor, White House, and congressional aide. He served eighteen years as a teaching pastor at Houston's Second Baptist Church. Wallace, the author of more than twenty books, now does conferences on the church and culture, church growth and leadership. He is the founder of Belhaven University's Master of Ministry Leadership Degree.
His latest book, Who Will Rule the Coming ‘Gods’?, offers groundbreaking spiritual insight into emerging AI technologies.
Biden and Putin: The fight for a global 'reset'
In every generation, there is a destroyer who rises seemingly out of nowhere whose aim is a conquest and the re-figuring of the global order. But a deliverer arrives on the scene to stand against the destroyer.
Putin and the Slavic soul
If it is true that Vladimir Putin is soulless, it is a great tragedy. There is a compelling richness in the Slavic soul, a fetching passion that is hard to dismiss.
Ukraine and the freedom to breathe
“All I ask is room to breathe.” It wasn’t merely a lone individual speaking those words on that day in 1993. It seemed to be a whole nation voicing the cry as we drove from Boryspil International Airport toward newly freed Kyiv.
How did we get into this ‘fine mess,' and how do we get out?
Sam Leith, a British commentator on society and culture, may not agree that our problems are spiritual, but he does think that modern economies “are built on addiction,” and that they “seek to “exploit bad behavior.”
The resegregation tragedy
Black History Month gives pause to remember the immense cost of bringing down segregation, and how the expenditure is now being squandered by movements seeking resegregation on some levels.
The most dangerous moment
Now, another looming crisis adds to the danger of our moment. Is the Russia-Ukraine issue a legitimate concern about putting restraint on Putin, or is it an opportunity to make Biden look strong and decisive?
The Jesus Church: Why it's the hope of the world (pt 2)
It seems we have reached the age the Irish poet Yeats saw in his poem, “The Second Coming,” where he wrote that “the center cannot hold.” If the local church is to be the world’s hope, its “center” must be strong.
The Jesus church (pt. 1)
If there are so many churches in America why is the nation in such a moral and spiritual crisis?
Preparing for the AI tsunami: The vital issue in answering if we should be afraid of AI (pt 3)
Werner von Braun, the brilliant scientist who developed the terrifying rockets that pommeled England in the Second World War, became a powerful example of this.
Preparing for the AI tsunami: Stages in civilization (part 2)
Mitzi Purdue, writing in Psychology Today, notes that porn sites have more traffic than Netflix, Amazon, and Twitter combined. “Children are learning that sex means violence, degradation, and humiliation.” It is no wonder that the title of her article is “Pornography: The Public Health Crisis of the Digital Age.”