Jordan Peterson slams 'trans-butchery of minor children' as 'a crime against humanity'

Psychologist and podcaster Jordan Peterson suggests that doctors who perform "trans-butchery" on children with gender dysphoria are "butchering sadists" who should face life sentences for "crimes against humanity."
Peterson, a professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, discussed his concerns about gender transition procedures for minors in an appearance on "Piers Morgan Uncensored" last week.
"I think that every single medical professional and psychological professional who has … played a role in facilitating the trans-butchery of minor children should be put in prison for the rest of their lives for crimes against humanity," he said.
"It is the worst medical and certainly psychological scandal that I've ever seen in my entire life and the only things that I've seen that rival it is the medical experiments that were conducted by the Nazis and the Japanese … running up to World War II," Peterson asserted. "It's absolutely 100% unforgivable."
Peterson's comments condemning the promotion of gender transition procedures for minors came in response to billionaire Elon Musk's assertion on the psychologist's podcast that "I lost my son" because he was "killed by the woke mind virus."
Musk noted that medical and psychological professionals informed him that his trans-identified son "might commit suicide" if he did not embrace the child's stated gender identity as a woman.
The psychologist condemned the aforementioned "lie" told to Musk.
"That has no grounding whatsoever in empirical fact; it's an absolute bloody lie," Peterson said. "It's pathological beyond belief."
Peterson elaborated on the implications of what he called the "trans epidemic" in the United States, saying that "At least 8,000 young women have been subjected to double mastectomies."
He identified the proposition that "those children are all now free to show their true identity" as "another complete bloody lie."
The psychologist delivered a message to left-leaning politicians in his native Canada, the U.S. and the United Kingdom: "If you people are behind this identity politics and you think that it's a good idea to free up young women in particular to find their true identities as men, there is something seriously sick about you. It's inexcusable; it's absolutely inexcusable."
"There is no evidence whatsoever for any of those gender transformation identity claims," he maintained. "It's experimental medicine conducted by butchering sadists at its absolute worst. What they do to people to transform them into … malfunctioning pseudo-members of the opposite sex is far beyond brutal."
"Sadists are overrepresented in the profession of surgery," he said, adding, "all you have to do is think for about 15 seconds before you can figure out why that might be."
He reiterated his belief that "sterilization and mutilation of children," which he described as "involuntary" because of their lack of ability to give consent for the procedures, constitutes a "crime against humanity in accordance with [United Nations] definitions."
"To call it reprehensible is to barely scrape the surface," he continued. "I don't think it will stop until there are the right length of prison sentences for the people who have been involved in it," he predicted.
Peterson mentioned the "Cass Report," commissioned by the U.K.'s National Health Service, which determined that there is "no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress."
He noted how the "Cass Report" led the NHS to rethink the performance of gender transition procedures on minors while lamenting that similar developments have not occurred in Canada or the U.S.
Concerns about the long-term impacts of gender transition procedures on minors have prompted 26 U.S. states to implement bans on the performance of some or all of them: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming.
While Peterson did not give any specific examples of individuals harmed by undergoing the life-altering procedures, Chloe Cole has emerged as one of the most outspoken detransitioners, a term reserved for individuals who once experienced gender dysphoria but saw their discomfort with their biological sex subside as they got older.
In a lawsuit filed against the professionals who prescribed and encouraged her to seek such treatment, Cole attributed the suicidal thoughts she experienced as a minor to the double mastectomy she received, adding that the gender transition procedures she underwent left her with "deep physical and emotional wounds, severe regrets, and distrust of the medical system."
Ryan Foley is a reporter for The Christian Post. He can be reached at: