The little book for misinformed, woke, anti-Israel college students

2025 will be a pivotal year in foreign policy, and nowhere will that be more true than in the Middle East. This is true for several reasons. First, the Israeli response to the heinous atrocities perpetrated against their citizens on October 7, 2023, has fundamentally altered the balance of power in the region.
By largely ignoring the advice and counsel of the Biden Administration, the Israelis have decimated Hamas and Hezbollah and greatly weakened Iran. Second, the incoming Trump Administration will be far more supportive and sympathetic toward Israel than the outgoing Biden Administration. Israel and her supporters in the United States are delighted with Senator Rubio as the soon-to-be Secretary of State and former Governor Mike Huckabee as the soon-to-be new U.S. Ambassador to Israel. Additionally, President-elect Donald Trump is more popular among the Israeli population than any previous US president. Anyone who has visited Israel since President Trump’s election in 2016 can attest to the Israelis’ gratitude to, and support for, Donald Trump.
However, the heated debate over Israel will continue to rage on college campuses across America. As the debate continues, it is important that those involved have the relevant facts necessary to carry on a productive debate. Fortunately, Dr. Alan Dershowitz has provided a 64-page handbook specifically targeted at high school and college students (The Ten Big Anti-Israel Lies And How to Refute Them with Truth).
Dershowitz, long-time distinguished constitutional law professor at Harvard Law School (now retired) is an “old-school,” classic liberal who has been an eloquent and courageous defender of the First Amendment’s free speech guarantees. He has also been a staunch defender of Israel in several books, most notably, The Case For Israel (2003).
At the outset of this extremely useful and informative little book, The Ten Big Anti-Israel Lies, Dershowitz relates the charges that Israel has committed war crimes or genocide against the Palestinians. He points out that in Gaza “the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have killed fewer civilians in relation to combatants than any nation in history that has fought against terrorists who use civilians as human shields.”
Dershowitz takes great pains to point out that the Palestinian terrorists have routinely used civilians as human shields, even putting military headquarters and weapons caches in schools and mosques.
Dershowitz also refutes the idea that Israel is “a colonial, imperialist state.” He notes that in fact, “Israel is an anti-colonialist democracy comprised primarily of refugees and the descendants of indigenous Jews, Muslims, and Christians exercising their right to political self-determination.”
Palestine, a relatively sparsely populated region prior to the late 19th century,
“was never without a significant and well-documented Jewish presence….Jerusalem, in fact, has had a Jewish majority since the first population figures were gathered in the early nineteenth century.”
Dershowitz notes that Jews have lived in the biblical “Holy Land” continuously from the biblical era up to the present day. Furthermore, the so-called colonial powers generally opposed a Jewish “homeland.” This includes the United States, where the U.S. State Department largely opposed U.S. support for Israel, and was overruled by President Truman in 1948.
Dershowitz directly addresses his target audience, the current generation of college and high school students.
“Your generation…has both the power and the opportunity to defeat the enemies of truth. The attacks on Israel and the Jewish people following the massacres of October 7 have been unprecedented in their viciousness, mendacity, and pervasiveness….Yes, it takes courage to participate openly in that marketplace. You will be attacked, canceled, berated, threatened, downgraded, and punished for telling the truth. But if you have the courage to fight back, you will be rewarded by the verdict of history. Truth, justice, and morality are on your side. Your professors, deans, presidents, and bosses will not have the courage to stand up for what many of them actually believe. You must show the way. You must take the lead. You must speak for the cowards who remain silent.”
This deceptively diminutive book is designed to be, and is, a powerful tool to dispense truth to a younger generation of Americans who have too often been grievously misinformed about the Middle East in general and Israel in particular.
Every American, student or otherwise, would benefit from reading this book and making it part of their permanent library so they can refer back to it as necessary. In addition to sharing this book with Christian Post readers, I have purchased several copies which I intend to share with interested readers in the very near future.
Whatever one’s personal religious faith may be, you will benefit from the knowledge dispensed in The Ten Big Anti-Israel Lies. Anyone who reads this book will finish it having had his understanding of these issues enhanced.
Dr. Richard Land, BA (Princeton, magna cum laude); D.Phil. (Oxford); Th.M (New Orleans Seminary). Dr. Land served as President of Southern Evangelical Seminary from July 2013 until July 2021. Upon his retirement, he was honored as President Emeritus and he continues to serve as an Adjunct Professor of Theology & Ethics. Dr. Land previously served as President of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (1988-2013) where he was also honored as President Emeritus upon his retirement. Dr. Land has also served as an Executive Editor and columnist for The Christian Post since 2011.
Dr. Land explores many timely and critical topics in his daily radio feature, “Bringing Every Thought Captive,” and in his weekly column for CP.