John Stonestreet and Jared Hayden
Op-ed contributor
Eugene Peterson and Same-Sex Marriage: It's a Gospel Issue
I'm glad for Eugene Peterson's retraction on same-sex marriage, though his statements are still puzzling. Even more, they're revealing. First, they reveal the crisis of authority among evangelicals. So much of this conversation, and many others within the evangelical church, is driven by celebrities instead of doctrine.
A Genderless Child? When Ideology Becomes Abuse
I don't think "abuse" is too strong a word for a mother who refuses to acknowledge the biological reality of her child's sex, and to raise him or her in denial of such reality. The potential for harm here is great.
Christian Worldview and 'The View': Revelation vs. Majority Opinion
Here's a hard saying for some: Just because you think Jesus would do something doesn't mean He would.
Time to Thicken up the Church
Are our churches truly leaving a mark on people? Or another way to think about it: Are our churches thick or thin?
Charlie Gard's Death Sentence: The Consequences of Usurping Parental Rights
Can the government tell you when and where your child will die? For one couple in the U.K., the answer is "yes." This is a chilling precedent.
Being Pro-Life at Google: The Case for Life Is Strong
Is it possible to argue effectively for the rights of the unborn to a secular audience? Just Google it!
Numbed by Video Games: Anesthetic for the Male Soul?
If there is a stereotype that lives up to reality these days, it's the unemployed, disaffected, twenty-something American male who haunts his parents' basement, addicted to World of Warcraft.
A Faith Grounded in History
If our church history begins with Billy Graham, we've probably forgotten something important.
Michelle Carter and Doctor-Assisted Death
The recent, disturbing criminal trial of Michelle Carter not only tests new legal boundaries, it's a mirror held up in front of our society.
Supreme Court Victory for Trinity Lutheran: And a Major Win for Religious Freedom
Okay, so government cannot "establish religion." But can it discriminate against religion? The Supreme Court has decided no.