John Stonestreet and Jared Hayden
Our Sleep Deprivation Epidemic Is a Spiritual Problem
Because our bodies matter to God — and not just in a moral sense — our rest matters to God, too. So much so, He built it into the rhythms of the universe.
When We Prefer Pets to Children
I'm gonna get a lot of email about this commentary, so let me say this up front: I like animals. And pets are wonderful things. But. . . .
Gay Weddings Trump Religious Freedom, Court Rules
The Washington State Supreme Court has punished a florist for running her business according to her faith.
If Beyoncé's Fetuses Are Babies, Why Not All Fetuses?
Objective realities aren't subject to feelings, but increasingly, that's the verdict of our celebrity-driven culture. Just ask Beyoncé's twins.
An Embryo Isn't 'Just a Clump of Cells,' New Research Shows
Can we finally give the myth that an unborn baby is "just a clump of cells" a decent burial?
Can We Know the Meaning of Life?
Can we ever really know the meaning of life? A new book dares to say "yes," and then shows us how.
Judge Neil Gorsuch: A Great Choice for the Supreme Court
Judge Neil Gorsuch is President Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court. And a great nomination it is.
Why Winning Pro-Lifers Should Treat Opponents Gently, Civilly
Last Friday was a great day for pro-lifers. It was also a great reminder of why we treat all of our opponents with respect—even if they don't return the favor.
How Should Christians Think About Trump's Refugee Executive Order
How should we as Christians think about President Trump's executive order on immigration and refugees? Here's a framework for thinking Christianly about the intertwined issues of refugees, immigrants, and national security.
Why You Should Go See 'Hidden Figures'
I've found something every American can agree on: "Hidden Figures" is a fantastic movie.