Michael Brown and Jonathan Feldstein
Is Christian nationalism a threat to democracy?
But what, exactly, is Christian nationalism? And is it truly a threat to democracy?
Why my focus is not on Donald Trump
This article is not intended to influence how you vote on Tuesday, November 5, nor is it intended to influence how you view former president Donald Trump.
Being 'popular' can never be our goal
“I was once told that I would never be a very popular evangelist because I did not sufficiently ‘sell my personality.’ Oh, the shame! Our business is to magnify the Christ of God and not to fling about our personalities."
The latest despicable anti-Israel lie
Let us distinguish the lies from the truth, however old that exercise becomes. Telling the truth is one weapon that we can never surrender.
Has Google created an AI Frankenstein?
Has Google created an AI Frankenstein? Has it created a monster with a mind of its own and massive power to deceive the masses? This is hardly Orwellian.
The programming of AI reveals radical Left rewriting past
Google Gemini even produced images of the Nazis — the ultimate White Supremacists — as blacks. I kid you not.
Pastors, don’t tie your reputation to a political leader
And that’s why I quickly realized that I could never again endorse a political candidate.
Betrayed: How global prayer mov't can respond to leader sex abuse scandal
As devastating as our unfaithfulness can be, especially when we are spiritual leaders, our unfaithfulness does not nullify God’s faithfulness. Rather, it underscores it: “Let God be true, and every human being a liar.”
When ‘He Gets Us’ presents a Jesus who is too much like us
Jesus did not practice affirmational inclusion, meeting sinners where they were and affirming them in their sins. On the contrary, He practiced transformation inclusion, meeting sinners where they were and calling them to repentance, forgiveness, and new life.
How to keep your sanity in a crazy election year
Let us, then, step above the madness of the hour and the political divisiveness — while still doing our part in the election process — and let us talk about Jesus more than we talk about candidates.