Michael Brown and Jonathan Feldstein
More adventures with AI Claude, the contrite poet
Working with the AI bot Claude is, in no particular order, amazing, frustrating, and hilarious.
A prayerful response to pride month
This is how we respond. This is how we fight back. We overcome evil with good.
Yes, free Palestine — from Hamas
No genocide is taking place. Far from it.
How should we respond to European recognition of a Palestinian state?
Announcements like this are as unhelpful as they are untimely. Israel had good reason to react so sharply.
Germany minimizes the horror of child porn
Germany has greatly reduced the legal consequences of child pornography. There is no universe in which such a ruling can be justified.
What the Church could learn from LGBTQ activists
Change did not come about merely by going to gay meetings but rather by being gay 24/7
Outrage over a Catholic commencement speech at a Catholic college
How will the Chiefs respond, since Butker’s kicking has helped them win three Super Bowls? We shall see.
When being pro-Palestinian means the end of Israel
In short, if you’re an Israeli and you want to live, then leave. Otherwise, you will suffer the fate of unwanted colonizers.
Confirmation that the world has lost its mind
“Fisher saw him, mowed him down with his car, backed up over him, stabbed him 9 times, then kissed him and danced around over his body."
Why did God choose the people of Israel?
Why did God choose the people of Israel to be a “royal priesthood” and a “holy nation” (Exodus 19:5)?