William Wolfe
Paint it black: Mourning the month of June
For we know that the colors we all need most are the red of Christ’s blood poured out for sins on the cross and the white of His righteousness which covers over all of our sins. Mourning may last for a night, but joy can come in the morning (or in July) for all those who repent of their sins and turn to Christ for salvation.
3 ways the Protestant Reformation reshaped Christianity
These Reformation recoveries, this reshaping of our lives and teaching as Christians, have served as guideposts for over 500 years so far. And should the Lord tarry, we trust that they will continue to guide the way for 500 more years yet to come.
We need to rethink the relationship between the Church and the state. Start by remembering that the Church wins.
The Church can be confident that it will be the final institution left standing, as all earthly governments dissolve at the return of Christ, and blow away into the wind like chaff. In other words, in the end, the Church wins. So, we should act like it now.
America’s transdemic
I fear much ground has already been gained by the transgender movement. Still, Christ is King, and we are His subjects, willing or not. And He is a gracious King, who may yet bring restoration now even as we await future redemption.
What should you do if a pastor ever tells you to repent of your 'whiteness'?
As CRT-infected thinking has swept across our nation we have traded a “hagiography of American history” for a “hamartiography of American history.” In other words, instead of looking at our past and seeing it full of “saints” (that’s hagiography), it’s full of irredeemable sinners (that’s the hamartiography).
Cultural Christianity isn't the problem
This law in Oklahoma might not make the Planned Parenthood operators love unborn children, but it sure can stop them from aborting those precious babies, and I think that’s pretty important.
Don’t you dare look away: Confronting the horrors of abortion head-on
Justice is an important and clarifying lens with which to consider this unfolding event. These awful photos show, for all the world to see, that a grave evil — a great injustice — has been committed. We dare not look away.
It’s time for evangelicals to stop asking: ‘Are we the baddies?'
So, what should evangelicals do in response to such accusations claiming that, among other things, we have “corrupted a faith” and “fractured a nation?” How should pastors and faithful pew-fillers in churches across the nation reply? Not with second guessing. No, we should respond like Nehemiah.
Transgender tyranny in women’s swimming: How Emma Weyant was cheated
let’s keep our minds clear, our speech honest, our prayers fervent, and our hopes fixed on Christ. He is the one who will reverse the curse as far as it is found — and that includes collegiate swimming pools.
When the government plays God: The threat of ‘statism'
Statism is what happens when the collective hubris of modern man joins forces to resurrect the tower of Babel, except this time instead of a tower to Heaven it’s bureaucrats building a monument to two years’ worth of inerrant and inspired CDC guidelines. Statism was a distant threat a few decades ago — statism is the enemy breaching our gates today.