Andrea Madambashi
Christian Post Correspondent
First Civil Union Between Three Partners in Brazil Sparks Outrage
Controversy has been sparked as the first civil union between three separate partners was registered in Tupã, in the Northwestern region of Sao Paulo state, Brazil last week. The three-person union has shocked religious groups in the country, and sparked further concerns that the traditional family unit is being further eroded by the current day society.
Jiu-Jitsu for Christ? Brazilian Churches Use Violent Sport as Evangelistic Tool
With the dramatic expansion of Christianity in Brazil continuing, churches are increasingly looking for more diverse methods to evangelize and bring people from all circles of society and interests to Jesus. However, not all are what traditional churchgoers might expect.
300 Man Lynch Mob Attacks Police Station to Kill Brazilian Murder Suspects
An angry mob has burned to death two Brazilians suspected of murdering three Bolivian natives on Tuesday in San Matias, on the Bolivian border with Brazil.
Young Brazilian Evangelists Testify Jesus Christ to Thousands at London 2012 Olympic Games
Hundreds of young Brazilian Christians from Junta de Missões Mundiais (World Missions Board - JMM) have committed themselves to sharing the Gospel with people from all nations converging at the 2012 Olympic Games in London.
Prayer Booths Set Up Near 9/11 Memorial to Turn New York Back to God
A group of evangelical Christians have been offering prayers to passers-by in front of St. Paul's Chapel close to the 9/11 memorial site in New York City recently.
Protestant Churches in Brazil Experience Mixed Growth, Decline; Huge Increase for Pentecostals
A number of mainline traditional protestant churches in Brazil are declining in congregation numbers, according to a new research report out. However, at the same time the newly released analysis indicates that pentecostal churches are experiencing much of the huge growth explosion being reported among the evangelical community in the Latin American nation.
Group of Christians Proposes a 'New Protestant Reformation' in Brazil
A group of Brazilian Christians have started a movement spreading throughout social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, called "New Protestant Reformation." The movement is part of a wider project supported by the group named "I Want a Church."
New Social Network for Christians 'Hizby' is Launched in Brazil, Thousands Signing Up
A new Christian-based social network has been officially launched recently by the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Porto Velho (RO), Brazil. "Hizby," which is the brain child of businessman Junior Gonçalves, is looking to become a new platform to help Christians network with one another and has already signed up more than 3,500 users.
Sage Stallone's Funeral to Be Picketed by Westboro Church
Just hours after the announcement that Sage Stallone, son of Sylvester Stallone, had died, a leader of the Westboro Baptist Church, a group known for protesting military funerals, announced on Twitter that the controversial sect will picket Sage's funeral.
Friday the 13th: Should Christians Be Superstitious? A Look at Superstitions Among Evangelicals in Brazil
Today is Friday the 13th and many in Brazil consider the day to be the unluckiest day of the year, and are avoiding black cats and broken mirrors. However, how should Christians see superstitions and in particular, are Evangelical Christians in Brazil tempted to be superstitious on this day?