Andrea Madambashi
Christian Post Correspondent
Brazilian 'Pat Robertson' Debates Bill to Criminalize Homophobia: 'Homosexuality is a Behavior'
Brazilian Pastor Silas Malafaia, a televangelist who is sometimes compared to Pat Robertson for his polemic comments and politicizing LGBT issues, has waded in on the debate on criminalization for homophobia.
Hispanics React to GOP Debate on Immigration: 'We Are Deporting the Future of US Christianity'
Presidential candidates risk losing important Hispanic votes as they debate immigration reform, especially as issues arise focusing on the mass deportation of illegal immigrants.
El Salvador President Pleads to US Embassy to Grant Visa so Young Girl Can Save Sister's Life
El Salvador’s President has pleaded to the United States embassy for it to grant a humanitarian visa to a girl wanting to enter the U.S. to help her little sister who is waiting for a bone marrow transplant.
Brazilian Christian Film 'Surrender' Bringing the 'Lost' to Christ
Brazilian Film “Surrender” (Renúncia in Portuguese) has debuted in Maranhão state, in the Northeastern region of Brazil. The film has reportedly had a big impact on viewers and has brought several to Christ on its first day Nov. 23.
'Christian Services' Provides Free Thanksgiving Meal to 2,000
Hundreds of people filled the dining room of “Christian Services” as the organization offered a full thanksgiving meals Tuesday in Hattiesburg, MS.
Death of Padma Lakshmi's Beau - His Entrepreneurship and Contributions to the Businness World
Ted Forstmann, a pioneer of the leveraged-buyout industry, died Sunday at the age of 71, seven months after he underwent surgery to remove a malignant brain tumor.
Sex Week Could Be Banned at Yale University
Sex Week at Yale University could be canceled after a ban was recently recommended by the university’s president Richard Levin.
Demi Moore Divorce: Moore Weight Loss Worrying, Sara Leal Healthy and Happy?
Demi Moore has announced that she is ending her marriage to Ashton Kutcher after rumors that her husband cheated on her with a 22-year-old California woman.
Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher Seek Refuge at Bruce Willis Caribbean Home (PHOTOS)
Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher reportedly sought refuge at Moore's ex-husband Bruce Willis' home in Turks and Caicos during the weekend.
Motorola Droid Razr vs. Samsung Galaxy Nexus: Which Smartphone Wins In Specs?
Motorola’s Droid Razr and Samsung Galaxy Nexus are the current most anticipated smartphones in the market. However, which one is best?