Jerry Newcombe

Jerry Newcombe

CP Op-Ed Contributor


  • An important church and state battle in Seattle

    An important church and state battle in Seattle

    We have all seen the horrible violence in Seattle in the last year or so. But now there’s a new battle, virtually under the radar.

  • The Constitution under fire

    The Constitution under fire

    I agree with William Gladstone, the distinguished 19th century Prime Minister of England, who declared, "The American Constitution is, so far as I can see, the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man."

  • An overlooked controversy in California

    An overlooked controversy in California

    It seems like the ongoing effort of historical revisionism — to tarnish American history and its heroes in service of political correctness — continues unabated.

  • America’s work crisis

    America’s work crisis

    Through the ages, the words of Paul the Apostle have inspired millions to work hard “as unto the Lord,” knowing that He will reward us. He also said that if someone refuses to work “neither shall he eat.”

  • Harvard: From promoting Christ to promoting an atheist chaplain

    Harvard: From promoting Christ to promoting an atheist chaplain

    The Reverend John Harvard must be rolling over in his grave. America’s oldest and most prestigious university, named in the Congregational minister’s honor, just promoted a “devout atheist” to be their head chaplain.

  • Karl Marx's favorite quote

    Karl Marx's favorite quote

    Can anybody name a square inch spot on the planet, anywhere, where Marxism has brought anything good? Certainly not in China, Russia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.

  • What makes the Taliban tick?

    What makes the Taliban tick?

    It is horrible to see the collapse of Afghanistan and thousands trying to flee the country before the Islamists take complete control there. What motivates the Taliban who once again are violently asserting power in that country? What makes the Taliban tick?

  • The crying need for self-control

    The crying need for self-control

    The founders envisioned America as a land where the people would have liberty, but that liberty was not the same thing as licentiousness — where people act in lawless ways as if there were no consequences to their misdeeds.

  • We must strive to save the Hyde Amendment

    We must strive to save the Hyde Amendment

    Amazingly, after decades of a barrage of propaganda in favor of abortion from Hollywood and the media and politicians, a large majority of Americans still want to see this bipartisan measure remain in force. Even if they are “pro-choice,” most Americans favor saving the Hyde Amendment. I do too, and I can think of 2.4 million reasons why.

  • Communist Cuba and its American apologists

    Communist Cuba and its American apologists

    Freedom, and the chance for a better life, are severely lacking in Cuba, despite the fawning (and vacuous) portrait of some mythical worker’s paradise painted by socialists like Bernie Sanders and AOC.