Jerry Newcombe
Freedom for all ... but the originators of the idea
So now we have a unique situation in America, where everybody’s tolerated except the ones that came up with the idea.
Election integrity
The division of powers by the founders was based on their knowledge that man is sinful.
Power versus empowerment
On the ballot this election season are two different visions for America: government power vs. empowerment of people.
Why I’m a one issue voter
It is even the first Creator-given right listed in our nation’s birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence. Without life, how can there be liberty or the pursuit of happiness or the right to property? Or any other right
The threat of court packing
In one fell swoop, they could undermine the United States, which President Lincoln labeled the “the last best hope of mankind.”
We have forgotten God
There is so much at stake. Above all is the question of whether we will continue as one nation under God.
Scapegoating 'white Christians' for climate change
The issue of wildfires vis-à-vis climate change came up during the presidential debate last week. Are these fires caused by man-made global warming or by misguided forestry practices?
Christians need not apply?
The Constitution says there can be no religious test applied to those seeking office at the federal level (Article 6, clause 3).
Abortion and the battle over the Supreme Court
Why the intensity of the coming debate? The answer is obvious: Abortion.
The durability of the US Constitution
But some in our society might wonder – hasn’t this musty old document outlived its usefulness? Isn’t it arcane and irrelevant?