Jerry Newcombe

Jerry Newcombe

CP Op-Ed Contributor


  • Revolutionary War silhouettes cause freakout

    Revolutionary War silhouettes cause freakout

    In an obscure display in the state of Washington, liberals are melting down over the presence of flat steel depictions of guns — guns held by silhouettes of Revolutionary War Minute Men.

  • The Left targets nuns — again

    The Left targets nuns — again

    A recent adverse ruling from the Third Circuit Court of Appeals now means the nuns must once again appeal their case all the way to the Supreme Court.

  • Loss of religion is society’s loss

    Loss of religion is society’s loss

    The scary thing about Christianity losing influence in society is what it means to morality in America—and thus to freedom.

  • Leaving God and morality behind

    Leaving God and morality behind

    The scary thing about Christianity losing influence in society is what it means to morality in America — and thus to freedom.

  • Is America becoming an atheist nation?

    Is America becoming an atheist nation?

    Is it possible that the news of the decline of Christianity in America is not as bad as reported?

  • Political correctness turns heroes into villains

    Political correctness turns heroes into villains

    Turning Columbus the hero into Columbus the villain is one of many examples of the ongoing “war on history” of our times.

  • Botham Jean shooting and the power of forgiveness

    Botham Jean shooting and the power of forgiveness

    Forgiving others isn’t just good spiritual living. The late Lewis Smedes of Fuller Theological Seminary once said, “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was you.”

  • No greater love

    No greater love

    One of the greatest themes in art, literature, and sometimes even real life is when a person sacrifices his or her own life that someone else might live.

  • Marriage on the rock or marriage on the rocks

    Marriage on the rock or marriage on the rocks

    Marriage is the picture of the believer’s relationship with Christ. That’s why Satan aims his big guns at marriage.

  • Does the Hong Kong protest have a prayer?

    Does the Hong Kong protest have a prayer?

    Protests in Hong Kong have been going on for months. Is there a Christian element to these protests that has been widely overlooked?