Jerry Newcombe
The cheating factor in the elections
There’s an old joke that goes like this: How does a lifelong conservative voter in Chicago switch to being a liberal voter? He dies.
Evidence, history is on the side of Jesus' resurrection
When his wife started going to church, he worked hard to disprove the faith, so he could reclaim her, and the two could live happily ever after, as agnostics.
The NYT blames Christians for poor coronavirus response
I noticed one response to this NYT op-ed, where the author asked sarcastically, “[It must be] all those evangelical Christians running Communist China and lying to the global community, right?”
Bashing prayer in times of crisis
An honest survey of American history shows that President Trump is much closer to America’s true history by calling for days of prayer than are David Hogg and Rashida Tlaib.
Controversy over days of prayer
Meanwhile, an honest survey of American history shows that Trump is much closer to America’s true history by calling for days of prayer than are Hogg and Tlaib.
Keeping your head during the coronavirus crisis
Here are several Biblical truths I try to bathe my mind with. My goal is the renewal of my mind:
Chuck Schumer and judicial activism
Abortions go wrong more often than we are led to believe. Federal Law does not require clinics to report abortion complications and deaths to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) where most statistics are collated.
Pence doesn’t believe in science?
The late night comedian Jimmy Kimmel quipped, “Why is Mike Pence in charge? What is his plan to stop the virus, abstinence?”
1619 vs. 1776
We are in trouble in America because we have millions of uneducated young people who think they are “woke” – who believe America is basically evil – and always has been.
Sex Fest on university campus: Corruption in the heartland
At Indiana University last week they celebrated the 4th Annual “Sex Fest.” They defended this foray into degrading sex by saying, "Our public health researchers have found some evidence to suggest that...