Jerry Newcombe
The Cross in the crosshairs
Last week’s cross decision was a major case for religious liberty. Perhaps it even spells the death knell of the ...
The effort to add God to the WW II Memorial
Presumably in a nod to the political correctness that currently blinds this nation, the World War II Memorial unveiled in 2004 noticeably left out any mention of thanksgiving to the Lord for His aid.
Hey Hollywood, pick on someone your own size
I find it ironic that Hollywood is bullying the state of Georgia to protest its new law to protect unborn children. So an entertainment giant geared toward children is unhappy with a law to protect unborn children?
Don’t let climate change alarmism ruin your future
Many people today, especially the young, are making some terrible long-term decisions, and it’s because they assume that the “experts” are right when it comes to catastrophic man-made global warming. They buy the notion that we only have 12 years of life left on earth
A forgotten voice in the Alabama abortion debate
In all of the brouhaha about the new Alabama law, there is a long-stilled voice that has been forgotten. That of the repentant Roe of Roe v. Wade.
On oaths and God
The attempt to remake our country into a secular wasteland continues unabated.
Campus commandment: Thou shalt not be offensive
If you believe in the traditional Judeo-Christian sex ethic — that no one should have sex apart from the bonds of holy matrimony (between a man and a woman) — should you be disqualified from making a presentation at a college campus?
On the targeting of churches and Christians
The Easter bombings of churches and hotels in Sri Lanka remind us that it is dangerous to be a practicing Christian today in many parts of the world.
Is the American church dying?
“You hear that everywhere, and you even hear it in the church from good Christian speakers, leaders, and pastors. They say that young people are leaving the church in droves, and there may not even be a Christian church in America in the next couple of years. And it’s just simply not true.”
The Abby Johnson story
“I had been instructed to increase the abortion quota at our facility, which was strange to me because I really got involved with Planned Parenthood, believing that abortion was something we were trying to eradicate."