10 Christian reactions to Trump's State of the Union address

10. Rick Santorum
Unlike many other Christian conservatives listed in this article, the Catholic former senator from Pennsylvania, who also ran for president in 2016, was not as impressed with Trump’s speech.
Now serving as a CNN political commentator, the 60-year-old Santorum asserted during a panel following the Democratic response that Tuesday’s State of the Union address was “probably the worst-delivered speech I’ve heard Donald Trump give.”
“He ran over his lines, he mixed up the language, he didn’t deliver his punchlines,” Santorum contended. “He would deliver a line, and go to the next issue, and I don’t think he even realized he was moving on to the next issue. Someone didn’t do a good job of breaking his speech so he knew what to do. That was a problem.”
Although Santorum wasn’t a fan of Trump’s delivery, he said he does support many of things that the “president proposed on domestic policy.”
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