10 Christian reactions to Trump's State of the Union address

1. Tony Perkins
Perkins, a Baptist pastor and president of the social conservative advocacy group Family Research Council, said in a statement provided to The Christian Post that Trump reached past the political divide in Congress “to unify Americans around an inspiring vision of what America can be.”
Among many things Perkins liked about the speech, the pro-life leader appreciated the fact that Trump called out “atrocious actions” of lawmakers in states like New York and Virginia who have pushed bills that are “pushing America toward infanticide.”
Currently, seven states allow abortion until birth. While New York has already passed a law removing gestational limits to abortion, the Commonwealth of Virginia has also been in the news as it weighs a bill that would allow abortion up to 40 weeks into pregnancy. Gov. Ralph Northam also received flack for comments describing how a baby could be killed even after birth that critics say bordered on “infanticide.”
Trump called out the governor during his speech for supporting the idea of “execut[ing]” a baby after birth.
“President Trump has not only been the most passionate president in talking about the humanity of the unborn, he has been the most persistent in protecting them,” Perkins wrote in the statement. "Sadly, it is very unlikely that members of the Democratic party will take up the president's call to 'work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life and affirm a fundamental truth: all children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God.'”
"President Trump seeks unity, but the president is not seeking unity at any cost,” Perkins added. “The unity that the president is seeking is with the American people, not with many of those here in Washington who despise what America stands for and spend their days trying to keep this administration from succeeding. President Trump tonight pointed the way forward in restoring our country's goodness and greatness.”
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