10 Christian reactions to Trump's State of the Union address

8. Robert P. George
Robert P. George, a conservative Catholic and a prominent law professor at Princeton University, issued his reaction to the State of the Union address on Facebook.
But what drew George’s ire wasn’t what the president said but how Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer reacted when Trump detailed the horrors of late-term abortion.
When Trump voiced concern about the Virginia abortion legislation that would allow partial-birth abortions, the camera zoomed in on the Democrat senator from New York who appeared to be smirking as Trump described how babies are being “ripped from the mother’s womb.”
“Lay aside for a moment the moral gravity of the matter,” George, a former commissioner on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, wrote. “Even thinking purely politically, it was not a good idea for Charles Schumer to permit himself to smirk while listening to a description of the dismemberment of a living child in a late-term abortion. Surely a seasoned politician knows to assume that one is ALWAYS on camera. What you have here is the visual equivalent of a 'hot mic moment.'"
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