Phyllis Schlafly
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Growing Rejection of Common Core
The most controversial issue in education today is clearly Common Core. It's being more hotly debated than bullying, zero tolerance, sex ed, abortion or even school lunches.
US Chamber Leader Issues Immigration Ultimatum to GOP for 2016
Tom Donohue, U.S. Chamber of Commerce president, just hurled a challenge to Republicans. If they don't pass amnesty for illegal aliens, they "shouldn't bother to run a candidate in 2016."
Window Into the Future of Obamacare and the VA
The problem with the U.S. Veterans Affairs giving inferior and delayed care to veterans is a good window into the future of Obamacare. Both the VA and Obamacare suffer the endemic problems of a government-run single-payer system (aka socialism) -- no choice of doctors or hospitals, no insurance companies, broken promises, lengthy waits and bureaucratic cover-ups.
Facts and Fallacies About Paycheck Fairness
President Barack Obama and his feminist friends have been trotting out their tiresome slogan that women are paid only 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. Every reputable scholar who has commented has proved that this is a notorious falsehood that anyone should be embarrassed to use.
Abortion Supporters Have Their Worst Week in 50 Years
Oh, how the tide has turned against abortion. Just last week, there were three stunning setbacks to the pro-abortion movement.
Honest Elections Win a Victory
A federal court in Kansas just rendered a much-needed decision against the central government's interference with state efforts to combat voter fraud. Kansas and Arizona won total support for their laws to stop voter registration by illegal aliens and other noncitizens, and the court ordered a federal agency to revise its forms "immediately."
Obamacare Has to Go
The surprise victory of Republican David Jolly for a congressional seat in Florida has given new life to voters who had been depressed about the power of the Obama campaign machine. Even more surprising to the media was that Obamacare turned out to be the winning issue for Republicans.
Why Moms Are Protesting Common Core
One of the major reasons why moms are vigorously opposing schools adopting the much-ballyhooed Common Core standards is that they are tied to the gathering and storing of in-depth personal data about every child. The files are called longitudinal, which means they include information from birth and track the kids all through school and college.
Common Core: A National Takeover of Schools?
Many people said ho-hum when President Barack Obama threatened to change any law with his pen or phone, and even use that power to personally alter Obamacare and the welfare law, and to "legislate" the Dream Act that Congress refused to pass. But Americans are rising up by the tens of thousands to stop Common Core, which is the current attempt to compel all U.S. children to be taught the same material and not other things parents might think important.
Let's Read the Polls About Amnesty
The Congressional Budget Office just reported that Obamacare will shrink the U.S. workforce by 2.5 million full-time jobs. That's stunning confirmation of how President Barack Obama's favorite legislative legacy is (as even Democrats have admitted) a "train wreck."