Alexander J. Sheffrin
Christian Post Reporter
Evolution Challenged in Maine School District
A school administrative director in Maine has come under attack and ridicule recently for his recent urging that evolution be dropped from the curriculum in schools.
Planned Parenthood Promotes Mother's Day Abortions, Draws Protests
Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest provider of surgical abortions, has triggered protests and outcry from pro-life groups recently over a series of emails that were sent out soliciting donations "in honor” of Mother's Day.
'Academic Freedom' Legislation Advances in Four States
Opponents and those who challenge some or all of the tenets of Darwinism have been encouraged recently as the “Academic Freedom” legislation advanced for review in four states.
University Employee Suspended Over 'Anti-Gay' Column
A University of Toledo (UT) employee was suspended last week following publication of a column she wrote opposing gay “marriage” in the local Toledo Free Press.
'Expelled' Filmmakers Claim 'Over the Top' Success
Since its release on April 18, “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,” the pro-intelligent design documentary featuring actor Ben Stein, has earned an astounding $6.6 million while only in its 3rd week in the box office.
Stanford Legal Group Defends 'Expelled' Against Lawsuit
The Fair Use Project of Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society announced Thursday that it would serve as legal counsel for the producers of “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” in their right to use a clip of John Lennon’s song “Imagine” in its pro-intelligent design documentary.
Florida Ultrasound Bill Dies in Senate
Pro-life groups in Florida said Wednesday was a “day of shame” after a bill that would have required abortion practitioners to give women ultrasounds during all phases of pregnancy prior to an abortion died in a 20-20 tie vote in the Senate.
'Expelled' Correct on Darwin, Hitler Link, Says Christian Group
In Ben Stein’s recent box office splash and pro-intelligent design documentary, 'Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,' links between Darwinism and the genocidal policies of Adolf Hitler are probed and explored. That link, according to Coral Ridge Ministries, has been historically proven time and time again.
'God Bless America' Celebrates Anniversary; Many More to Come
As religion and issues of faith become more important than ever in the decision that voters will make in the upcoming presidential election, it’s hard to imagine that it was just 35 years ago that a sitting president used the words 'God Bless America' for the first time ever during an address.
Former Abortionist Speaks Out
Carol Everett, a former abortionist, has dedicated her life to both counseling and helping inner-city women with the challenges of unintended pregnancies and educating the public about the horrors of abortion.