Dan Delzell
Will you file for spiritual bankruptcy in time?
You have two options: You can joyfully embrace Jesus today as your wonderful Savior, or dreadfully face Christ on Judgment Day as your righteous Judge.
Why 20/20 gender vision doesn’t cure spiritual blindness
And then you have those people who are blessed with 20/20 gender vision, but who nevertheless suffer from spiritual blindness.
How to protect your heart from your sinful nature
What is the difference between your heart and your sinful nature?
How to properly apply law and Gospel
Thankfully, the Holy Spirit changes hearts and transforms lives when Christians, including ministers of the Gospel, properly apply Law and Gospel.
The most loved Gospel hymn among kids
As Martin Luther astutely noted, “Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise.”
Do the math when searching for God
Jesus brings all who receive Him as Savior (John 1:12) to an everlasting kingdom in Heaven, far above the estimated two trillion observable galaxies God created.
The dynamics of spiritual warfare in marriage
Your loving Savior is a wonderful friend who will gladly help you and your spouse get back on track.
Should Jews prayerfully reconsider the forbidden chapter?
But there is one chapter that is shunned by most rabbis today. Isaiah 53 has sadly evolved into the forbidden chapter within Judaism.
Why Ben Shapiro found William Lane Craig’s resurrection rationale ‘uninteresting’
If you have not yet experienced the grace and love of Yeshua, then I encourage you to open your heart and mind to the historical and prophetic evidence for the Messiah's resurrection, and to the good news of the Gospel.
Your eschatology doesn’t determine your eternity
Your doctrine of salvation reveals whether or not you are a believer, whereas your eschatology reveals what you believe about a relatively brief period of time when the world as we know it will come to an end.