Dan Delzell
Christian Post Contributor
The FDIC provision that provides next-level protection
Insurance only protects money. What about your most valuable asset? That is to say, what about your immortal soul?
How Hollywood eerily resembles a religious cult
“In this town, you can be a wife-beating, manic-depressive crackhead and everyone opens their arms to you. They say, ‘Hey, pal, don’t worry about it. We’ll get you into recovery. It’s all part of the journey.’ But if you become a born-again Christian and love Jesus Christ and want to share that with other people, they say, ‘You’ve committed the unpardonable sin.’”
Why Alex Murdaugh’s courtroom sentencing should alarm you
And if you are not yet prepared for your appointment in God’s courtroom, then Alex Murdaugh’s sentencing should definitely alarm you.
Spiritual snooze button: 'God can wait!'
Do you hear your alarm going off? Or are you determined to keep hitting the snooze button up until the moment you stand before Christ on Judgment Day?
Why revival must be tethered to Scripture
If God allows you to take part in a revival, give Him all the glory and praise as you fill your heart and mind with Scripture.
A Christian turned atheist vs. atheist turned Christian
Bart Ehrman professed faith in Christ as a teenager but is now an atheist; whereas Hugh Ross grew up in a non-religious home but is now a Christian. One man abandoned Christianity, while the other embraced it.
Would you gamble away your greatest possession?
Such was the case when a bettor laid down $1.4 million dollars on the Chargers to beat the Jaguars. The risky bet was placed when the Chargers were up 27-0, and a winning bet would have paid just $11,200.
How do you deal with your guilt?
Judgment Day will be a literal event, and every hour brings you a step closer to your appointment in God’s courtroom.
When textual variants become a convenient excuse
Your decisive attitude toward these letters and the good news contained therein will determine your destiny.
Evaluating John MacArthur’s rationale for limited atonement
The spectacular doctrine of Christ’s unlimited atonement, along with God’s merciful desire that all be saved, are reflective of God’s nature, God’s glory and God’s love for lost sinners.