John Stonestreet and Jared Hayden
Is Religion Going Extinct?
Is religion headed for extinction? Some experts think so. But if you ask me, the funeral planning is premature.
Playing God With Human-Animal Hybrids
Great fiction has warned us of the dangers of playing God with human genetics, but sadly, what's going on these days isn't fiction.
Two Christians Who Changed the World You've Probably Never Heard Of
You may be able to name a number of famous Christians who changed the world. But Dr. Glenn Sunshine wants you to know the world-changers you may never have heard of.
An Atheist's Conversion Shows No Unbelief Is Safe From God
Can a self-satisfied atheist become a Christian? Of course she can. But sometimes, it might come through tears.
'I Don't Want to See Any Old People.' What Happened Next Changed My Life
Think all is lost? Feel like you don't know how to make a difference in our crazy world? Here's a personal story that just might change your mind.
Why Christians Believe Your Physical Body Matters
How we view our bodies says a lot about our worldview. Are bodies something we merely "have" or are they core to who we are?
Google Honors an Osama bin Laden Admirer
Last week Google honored a supporter of dictators and terrorists as a civil rights and social justice activist. But "Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"
6 Questions to Ask Your Liberal Friends
Ever left speechless on these tough conversations about social issues? Ever think afterwards, why didn't I say that? Well, here are six questions for your conversational toolkit.
Obama's Transgender Bathroom Edict Denies Reality
Was everyone who lived before 2015 an unenlightened bigot? Recent statements by this administration may give you that impression.
Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts Scandal and the Life Debate
"Truth will out," we sometimes hear. But it may take Congress to help it along. Here are some of the latest developments in the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal.