John Stonestreet and Jared Hayden
The Late, Great Stem Cell Debate: Why Pro-Lifers Were Right All Along
The biggest ethical and scientific debate of the early 2000s has all but disappeared. And we need to tell people why.
More Proof Faith Is Good for America
Guess who has the world's 15th largest economy, right between Russia and Australia? American religion. Yep.
How Michelangelo's 'David' Is Just Like Us
Perhaps the greatest statue of all time has a tiny flaw. And it's a flaw that could bring it crashing down. There's a lesson in this.
Why Christians Should Strongly Support Muslim Freedom to Build Mosques
So Muslims in your community want to build a mosque. You're set to speak at the zoning hearing. What do you say?
Masculinity Crisis? What's Missing From the Debate
Where have all the men gone? A lot of folks who are asking this question are looking for answers in all the wrong places.
Abortion More Important Than Civil Liberties for Planned Parenthood Allies in California
Another, yes another, disturbing bill is being proposed in the California legislature. What's going on in that state?
Has Christian Education Lost Its Purpose?
Christian education is much more than education with longer skirts and shorter hair. Here's a Christian vision for learning.
'Born This Way' Is Shaky Science
"The science is settled!" we often hear on any questions surrounding the LGBT issues. But two experts replied last week, "Not so fast."
LGBT Rights vs. Religious Freedom: No Middle Ground?
According to one Christian thinker, it's time to get on the LGBT bus or be thrown under it.
Americans Need to Make More Babies
Is America heading for a demographic cold snap? The fertility forecast is gloomy these days.