Wallace B. Henley
Exclusive Columnist
Wallace Henley is a former pastor, White House, and congressional aide. He served eighteen years as a teaching pastor at Houston's Second Baptist Church. Wallace, the author of more than twenty books, now does conferences on the church and culture, church growth and leadership. He is the founder of Belhaven University's Master of Ministry Leadership Degree.
A conservative Christian and Joe Biden
So, did God elevate Donald Trump or Joe Biden to the presidency intentionally, or permissively? I cannot answer that. However, as a conservative Christian I must acknowledge that each is/was in the Oval Office by the will of God.
Romans 13 and revolution
America in this desperate hour does not need bloody, anarchic chaos from left or right, but a constitutional, biblically grounded revolution.
Reset to radical church: Reach back to the past for future sake (pt 3)
We said earlier that there are at least five categories of incarnational ministry that define Jesus’ work in the world.
Christ's Kingdom without Christ? Time to reset to 'radical' church (pt 2)
We are living through an era when people under secular banners are trying to force the coming of the benefits of Christ’s Kingdom and conformity to its high values of love, equality, respect for those unlike us, and caring for the disenfranchised and victims of discrimination.
Christmas and ages of suspension
Suspended time is not all bad. Faith grows in those temporal gaps like hidden seed in a sidewalk.
Reset and the ‘radical’ church (pt 1)
The idea began to stir in me that merely to rely on contemporary theory was not “radical” enough, and that the “roots” of church growth were in the incarnate ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The whole church for the whole world
I wrestled with the hard fact that had begun to haunt me as I traveled the world speaking to leadership groups: They could teach me more than I could teach them.
The 2020 election, untethered prophets: What does healthy prophetic 'reflection' look like? (pt 2)
To see things as they “truly are” requires prophetically gifted people, well-tethered to a local church which is itself tethered to biblical authority and order.
The 2020 election and untethered prophets (pt 1)
Fake news and false prophecies boiled around the 2020 presidential race like tempests stoking a hurricane.
John Edmund Haggai, who transformed global Christianity, dies at 96
John Edmund Haggai, who went to be with his Lord on 18 November 2020, played a significant role in the demographic shift and globalization of Christianity.