Wallace B. Henley
Exclusive Columnist
Wallace Henley is a former pastor, White House, and congressional aide. He served eighteen years as a teaching pastor at Houston's Second Baptist Church. Wallace, the author of more than twenty books, now does conferences on the church and culture, church growth and leadership. He is the founder of Belhaven University's Master of Ministry Leadership Degree.
Building the post-pandemic church: Developing the healthy church (pt 4)
Will the COVID-19 virus infect, sicken, and kill the body of Christ?
Building the post-pandemic church: Actions of the Jesus Church (part 3)
As we stand on this side of the pandemic gash in time and history, we must be careful where we set our gaze.
Building the post-pandemic church: Providential plagues (part 2)
History may not repeat itself, but it does rhyme, as Mark Twain reportedly said. So, there is a distinct “rhyme” between what was happening in the age of Cyprian and Decius and our times.
Solving the mystery of why Donald Trump was elected president
However, no cryptanalysts have been able to decipher the mystery of Trump, because they are looking in the wrong places.
Building the post-pandemic church: Out of ashes (part 1)
The questions are on the lips of many leaders and their congregations: What will the post-pandemic church look like? What will arise from the ashes?
Calling for real prophets
The contemporary moment of madness prompts a call for real prophets to rise up and do what prophets do.
Is the end nigh for institutional Christianity?
For many churches and related religious organizations, it will be apostasy or the arena, compromise or the catacombs.
Two Men from Babylon: Nebuchadnezzar, Trump, and the Lord of History (Book Excerpt)
In vision, style, and personage, many view Donald Trump as a type of Nebuchadnezzar, a child of ancient Babylon
Trump: Messianic or demonic?
Sider and his colleagues have undertaken a risky business since their book could be dismissed as a gaggle of academics instructing us deplorables about how to vote for president.
How to have cities without police
Those eager to shrink or even eliminate police departments in their cities could learn much from the mutineers who, in 1789 revolted against Captain William Bligh and took over his ship, the Bounty.