Wallace B. Henley
Exclusive Columnist
Wallace Henley is a former pastor, White House, and congressional aide. He served eighteen years as a teaching pastor at Houston's Second Baptist Church. Wallace, the author of more than twenty books, now does conferences on the church and culture, church growth and leadership. He is the founder of Belhaven University's Master of Ministry Leadership Degree.
Pandemic, pandemonium, and governments in crisis
The greater the official panic the more governments lay aside principle to get things under control.
Destroyers, deliverers and the George Floyd tragedy
Seeking the welfare of the city means seeking justice for the George Floyds, including peaceful protest calling for that justice — but not the violent destruction of the city.
Pentecost, Shavuot, and the ‘suicide pact’
There is a subtle creep of utilitarianism in their interpretation of the Bill of Rights, shoving aside principle.
Will COVID-19 kill the free republic?
Will an outcome of the crisis mean the loss of constitutional restraints on the state?
Accurate information in an age of disinformation: The 'itching ears' syndrome (pt. 2)
The establishment media now may lament so many “different places” as news sources, but they have no one to blame but themselves.
Civilization and moms: Centers amid increasing pandemonium
What is one of the strongest civilizational “centres” when everything spins and spins into increasing pandemonium?
Accurate information in an age of disinformation: Hubris collisions (pt. 1)
When the hubris of show-biz news gatherers crashes into the hubristic presidency matter and anti-matter careen into one another. What is obliterated is the information we the people need so urgently.
Cuomo’s confession of faith and America’s growing ‘state religion’
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently perhaps unwittingly intoned the confession of faith of the religion of progressivism.
Backyard church and the smile of God
So, a veteran Baptist pastor stood on his back porch, opening to a convergence of four other backyards and preached the gospel of the cross and resurrection. That pastor was me.
COVID-19 and overcoming 'vain imaginings'
The COVID-19 virus is emanating from 5G towers, and people who believe that are trying to burn them down.