John Stonestreet and Jared Hayden
Op-ed contributor
Post-Truth, the Word of the Year
Is our culture losing touch with reality? The folks who pick the official "word of the year" think so.
Fidel Castro Reminds Us Why Utopianism Always Fails
A brutal communist dictator has gone on to meet his reward. And too many seem confused about the legacy of Cuba's Fidel Castro.
We Can't 'Agree to Disagree' on Homosexuality and Marriage
Can Christians agree to disagree on our culture's most controversial topics? Well, when it comes to certain issues, the answer is no.
Why We Grieve a Miscarriage
Millions of women experience the profoundly painful tragedy of miscarriage. How we respond to them says a lot about us and our worldview.
Sexual Orientation Trumps Freedom of Speech and Religion, Justices Decide
Would a judge actually come out and say freedom of speech and freedom of religion have to take a back seat to sexual orientation? Yup — sure did.
Christians Won and Lost on Election Day
So have you recovered from Election Night 2016? I hope so, but either way, it has still presented us with a lot to think and talk about.
Chuck Colson's Advice for the Day After Election Day
The election is over. So what do we do now? Exactly what Chuck Colson recommended the day after the 2008 election.
Religious Liberty Misunderstood on Left and Right
The problem isn't just that we're losing religious freedom. It's that people no longer understand what it is.
The Election Is Coming, but What About the Day After?
Chuck Colson often said, "Salvation won't arrive on Air Force One." Ok, we all agree on that. So, how now shall we live?
Dallas Church Denounced for Dismissing Unrepentant Gay Man
Courageously doing the right thing these days, like practicing church discipline, is going to exact a cost.